Government Contacts
Customer & Local Services
Location: La Motte Street.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30a. to 5.00pm
Phone: 01534 445505:
Audiology Department
Location: Jersey General Hospital, Flopr 2, Gwyneth Huelin Wing, General Parade, The Parade, St Helier
Phone: 01534 442551 or FAX 01534 442637
Adult Social Care/Community Services
Location: 2nd Floor, Eagle House, 31 La Colomberie, St Helier
Phone: 01534 444440
Children's Social Work Services
Location: Liberte House, La Motte Street, 19-23 La Motte Street, St Helier
Phone: 01534 519000
Please see the link to a booklet, produced jointly by EYECAN and the Jersey Deaf Society, which gives advice about sensory loss, to enable those living or working with Islanders who may have sight or hearing loss, to recognise the signs and obtain appropriate support.Disability Strategy for Jersey - The Disability Strategy for Jersey sets out the proposed priorities and actions to help ensure the key outcome of the strategy: that people living with disability enjoy a good quality of life.
Earsay Jersey - Supporting hearing impaired children, young adults and their families.
States of Jersey Health - For information about health services available in Jersey.
Highlands College - For information about British Sign Language and Deaf Awareness courses in Jersey.
Association of Jersey Charities - For information about other Jersey Charities.
UK Sites
Connevans - For information about specialist environmental equipment to assist people with a hearing loss in their daily lives.
Lipreading Practice - For those wishing to practice their lipreading on-line.
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People - For information about assistance dogs.
Widgit-Health - For information about communication support for healthcare and medical professionals.
Signature - For information about dDeaf Studies and Teaching.
Royal Association for Deaf People
National Deaf Children Society
NRCPD - National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People
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